膝盖 软骨 受伤
关节软骨是坚硬的, 关节中覆盖骨头末端的橡胶组织, 比如膝盖和臀部. 它减少了关节的摩擦,并提供了减震. 在膝盖处, damaged or deteriorated cartilage limits the joint’s normal movement and can cause significant pain. If the problem isn’t treated, it can worsen and eventually require knee replacement surgery.
加州大学旧金山分校为简单和复杂的损伤提供十大赌博平台排行榜一流的护理. Procedures to repair and regenerate cartilage are options for otherwise healthy knees affected by injury or certain disorders, 但不适用于受骨关节炎影响的膝盖, a condition related to aging and other factors that causes cartilage to break down.
Surgical treatment is recommended for patients with knee cartilage damage or deterioration caused by:
- 损伤(十大赌博平台排行榜称之为创伤),包括运动损伤
- 重复使用关节
- 影响关节结构的先天性异常(出生缺陷), 比如夹层性骨软骨炎
- 影响骨骼和关节发育的激素或骨骼紊乱, 比如维生素D缺乏或缺血性坏死
奖 & 识别
迹象 & 症状
如果你的膝盖软骨受损, 你的活动范围可能会减小, 膝关节线(股骨与胫骨的交界处)疼痛, 肿胀, 异常骨排列, and related injuries to the knee ligaments or menisci (fibrocartilage discs cushioning the inner and outer edges of the knee joint). 也, you may sense clicking or grinding within the knee or experience episodes in which the joint locks or gives way.
软骨损伤很难诊断, 你的十大赌博平台排行榜会先给你做身体检查, 影像学评估可能是必要的. 这将包括核磁共振和可能的x光检查. 加州大学旧金山分校健康是使用核磁共振成像评估这些损伤的领导者, 让我们获得有价值的东西, precise information on the severity and location of your cartilage damage. We also use MRI in follow-up care to appraise the success of each patient's treatment.
Most knee procedures are minimally invasive surgeries performed with an arthroscope (an endoscope for use in joints). Your surgeon will make small incisions around the joint and perform the surgery using slender instruments, 包括一个微型摄像头,可以提供该区域的内部视图. 在一般情况下, recovery from an arthroscopic procedure is quicker and less painful compared with recovery from an open (traditional) surgery. 然而, 有些程序确实需要更大的, 开放切口, 这样外科十大赌博平台排行榜就能更方便地进入这个区域.
UCSF offers the following cartilage repair and regeneration procedures:
微裂缝: 骨的表层, 称为软骨下骨, 是硬的,血流有限吗, so this technique creates small holes in the bone to allow for greater flow. Blood contains bone marrow cells that stimulate cartilage growth and form fibrocartilage, 哪个覆盖了受伤的区域. 关节镜手术后, 患者必须严格遵守术后协议, which includes using crutches and a continuous passive motion (CPM) machine, 轻柔地弯曲和伸展膝盖.
细胞软骨表面修复: 基质诱导的自体软骨细胞植入, 或》, 是基于细胞的软骨置换手术吗. 对于这个过程, 病人的一些软骨细胞被切除, 生长并重新植入受损软骨的部位.
这项技术需要两个操作. 在第一个, a surgeon arthroscopically removes cartilage cells from areas of the knee joint that don't bear weight. The cells are then made to multiply in a lab and implanted onto a scaffold (material that promotes tissue growth), 哪个会放在膝盖里面. In the second operation, an incision is made to expose the defective cartilage. 一个一类, 这使得植入又快又容易, 是用来把软骨支架粘到膝盖骨上的吗. Over months, the new cartilage matures and integrates with existing cartilage.
自体骨软骨移植(镶嵌成形术): 这项技术涉及转移健康的软骨组织, 叫做嫁接, 从膝盖的一部分到受伤部位. 移植物被用作软骨和下面的骨头的“塞”, 通常是从重量最小的地区收获的. 一个插头,或多个插头,可以转移. 通常在开放(传统)手术中进行, 这种手术有时可以在关节镜下进行.
骨软骨同种异体移植物: 如果软骨缺损太大,不能通过自体移植来治疗, 可能需要骨软骨同种异体移植. 软骨 is taken from a cadaver donor, sterilized and prepared for implantation. It can be shaped to fit the exact contour of the patient's cartilage defect. 这是一种开放式(传统)手术,而不是关节镜手术.
半月板移植: This procedure is recommended for patients who have lost most of their meniscus or had it removed. 半月板为膝盖提供缓冲和稳定性. Transplanting the meniscus from a cadaver donor restores these benefits to the knee. 通过一个小切口, the surgeon can arthroscopically suture the cadaver meniscus to the patient's knee.
After most cartilage repair surgeries, patients are on crutches for six to eight weeks. 有些病人需要使用CPM机器. Closely following the post-op protocol is essential to achieving a good outcome from any of these procedures. 完全康复需要几个月时间.
加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.
在哪里获得护理 (4)
- 手术后我什么时候可以洗澡?
You should keep your dressing on and knee dry until your first post-op visit. 在那之后, 你可能会被允许洗澡, but don't submerge the knee in a bathtub or swimming pool until the incisions have completely healed (usually three to four weeks after surgery).
- 我什么时候有后续预约?
You'll see your doctor one to two weeks after surgery for a knee exam and suture removal. Typically, the surgeon's practice coordinator schedules this appointment before you have surgery.
- 我应该什么时候开始物理治疗?
You should start as soon as possible after surgery, generally within the first one to two weeks. Many patients have the first session right after their first post-op appointment.
- 我要拄拐杖多久?
最有可能的, 手术后六到八周你需要拄着拐杖, depending on the exact procedure you had and on any other structures that were repaired.
- 冷敷机最能缓解疼痛吗?
你可以使用多种结冰方法, such as placing a regular ice pack or package of frozen vegetables over the bandages. 冷敷装置通过膝盖上的垫子使冰水循环. 它们很有效,但有点贵. They can be purchased online, in medical supply stores or at our orthotics and prosthetics centers.
- 膝关节软骨手术后我什么时候可以回学校或工作?
Most patients are ready to return to school or work at a desk five to seven days after surgery. If you're able to work from home, your initial recovery period may be easier. 对体力要求很高的工作, you will need more time for a safe recovery and medical clearance before returning to work.
- 膝关节软骨手术后什么时候可以开车?
那要看哪条腿动了手术. 如果是你的左膝受伤,而你开的是自动驾驶汽车, you can get behind the wheel once you're no longer taking narcotic pain medication and feel capable of driving safely. 如果你的右膝做了手术, you may need to wait as long as six weeks before driving; your surgeon can advise you.