唾 腺 癌症
唾 gland cancer may involve two primary glands:
- 腮腺, 唾液腺每侧脸颊上部最大的唾液腺, 贴近耳朵, with ducts that empty into the upper inside of the cheek.
- 下颌下腺,位于口腔底部,在靠近下门牙的地方有导管.
Our Approach to 唾 腺 癌症
加州大学旧金山分校为唾液腺癌提供尖端的诊断和治疗方案, delivered in a comfortable and supportive environment. 我们的目标是在治疗癌症的同时尽可能保留语言和吞咽功能.
为了让每位患者获得最好的治疗结果,我们的团队包括广泛的专家. These include head and neck surgeons, 耳鼻喉科专家, 医疗肿瘤学家, reconstructive surgeons and radiation oncologists, as well as experts in speech-language pathology, nutrition and psycho-oncology.
奖 & 识别
Among the top hospitals in the nation
Best in Northern California and No. 7 in the nation for cancer care
One of the nation's best for ear, nose & 喉咙保健
Designated comprehensive cancer center
迹象 & 症状
这些腺体的大多数癌症以无痛的肿块出现,要么在耳前,要么在下颚. Parotid cancers are more common than submandibular cancers. Some lumps can enlarge rapidly or be painful.
Other 症状 may include facial weakness, fixation of the lump, 感觉损失, 溃疡, difficulty opening the jaw and tongue numbness or weakness.
针 活组织检查 is effective for diagnosis and is commonly recommended. Imaging studies including computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) help delineate the tumor extent and status of neck lymph nodes.
手术是治疗唾液腺癌的主要方法. 手术的范围取决于肿瘤的类型、大小和位置. 如果颈部淋巴结有肿瘤扩散,则进行颈部淋巴结清扫.
放射治疗, also called radiotherapy, 使用高能射线是为了破坏癌细胞并阻止它们生长吗. Like surgery, radiation therapy is local therapy. It affects only the cells in the treated area. 能量可能来自大型机器,也可能来自外部辐射.
大肿瘤患者可能需要手术和放射治疗. 放射治疗是在晚期或侵袭性肿瘤手术后进行的.
化疗 is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. 研究人员正在寻找有效的药物或药物组合来治疗唾液腺癌. 他们还在探索将化疗与其他形式的癌症治疗相结合的方法,以帮助摧毁肿瘤并防止疾病扩散.
化疗是在选定的肿瘤放射治疗的同时进行的, usually in the setting of a therapeutic clinical trial. 如果癌症已经扩散到身体的其他部位,有时建议化疗.
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