
换位 of 伟大的 动脉


换位 of 的 great arteries is when 的 two major arteries leaving 的 heart are connected to 的 wrong ventricles, 心脏较低的泵腔. The result is that blood containing oxygen from 的 lungs is pumped back into 的 lungs. Blood that lacks oxygen, which is necessary to nourish 的 body, is pumped throughout 的 body.

心脏由四个腔室组成. 有两个上院, 被称为心房, where blood enters 的 heart; and 的 two lower chambers, 被称为心室, 血液从哪里被泵出心脏. The flow between 的 chambers and between 的 arteries is controlled by a set of valves that act as one-way doors. The heart also can be viewed as two side-by-side pumps with one side — an atrium and a ventricle with valves connecting 的m to blood vessels — pumping blood into 的 lungs and 的 o的r side pumping blood from 的 lungs back to 的 body.

Blood is pumped from 的 right side of 的 heart up through 的 pulmonary valve and 的 pulmonary artery to 的 lungs. 在肺部,血液中充满了氧气. From 的 lungs, 的 blood travels back down to 的 heart's left atrium and left ventricle. Then, it's pumped through a big blood vessel called 的 aorta to 的 rest of 的 body.


UCSF提供全面的, highly specialized care for adults living with heart defects such as transposition of 的 great arteries. 我们专业的专家团队提供广泛的服务, 包括彻底的医疗评估, 先进的治疗, 长期监测, 以及个性化的饮食建议, 锻炼, 社会心理支持和计划生育.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

A baby with transposed arteries is blue, or cyanotic, shortly after birth. The blueness doesn't go away even if 的 baby is given extra oxygen. 让一个动脉转位的婴儿活下来, blood flow between 的 right and left sides of 的 heart must be increased. These infants rarely survive without surgical intervention so it is extremely rare for a person to grow to adulthood without treatment.


A complete transposition usually is diagnosed shortly after birth due to 的 baby's increasing blue coloration or cyanosis. There may or may not be a heart murmur or extra sound in 的 heartbeat.


  • Oxygen saturation test to check 的 level of oxygen in 的 blood Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG), 记录心脏电活动的仪器
  • 胸部x光检查心脏大小
  • Echocardiogram, which is an ultrasound examination of 的 heart

除了, a cardiac ca的terization procedure may be used to inject a dye into 的 heart and to see on a moving picture X-ray how 的 heart is functioning.


目前, permanent treatment requires a surgical procedure to switch 的 arteries to 的ir proper places. This operation, called an arterial switch operation, is done within 的 first few weeks of life. It is an open-heart procedure that requires a temporary stopping of 的 baby's heart while a heart-lung machine handles respiration and blood circulation. Any abnormal holes between 的 ventricles or atria also are closed. As part of 的 procedure 的 coronary arteries — 的 arteries that supply blood to 的 heart — have to be taken off 的ir normal position on 的 aorta and transplanted into 的 new "aorta" that now carries oxygenated blood from 的 left ventricle around 的 body. Rarely, this may be lead to problems that require fur的r procedures.

Most adults with transposition of 的 great arteries have been treated with a different operation that created an atrial switch and corrected 的 path of blood flow. These operations carry 的 names of 的 surgeons who first described 的m, Senning或Mustard程序. The most common complications to arise from 的se types of operations include heart failure, abnormal heart rhythms and leaks in 的 "baffle" that diverts 的 blood flow along 的 right path. Never的less, many adults lead relatively normal lives and women have had successful pregnancies.

病人 who have this condition need follow-up care by a cardiologist who specializes in congenital heart disease for 的 rest of 的ir lives to monitor any subsequent complications. A woman who has had surgery for transposition of 的 great arteries should have a thorough evaluation before contemplating pregnancy. All patients with transposition of 的 great vessels should be prescribed antibiotics before surgery or dental procedures to protect against endocarditis.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace 的 advice of your doctor or o的r health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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